Friday 14 December 2012

Changes Made

This was my oringinal front cover for my prouduct.  However was shown there have been many changes.  The first change is the colour of the background, on my latest one I have a grey styled background and on this one I have a white background.  I changed the colours when I got audience feedback they said it looked to bland due to the lack of colour.  I have took this comment and changed the background.  I also changed the text box backgrounds to suit in with the house style of the magazine.  

Under this post is my finshed and actual front cover for my media product.   

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Finished Product


Double Page Spread Progression

To start my double page spread I created a box to show the name of the page.  To create this box I went to the rectangle tool drew the size of the shape I wanted, then I selected the colour I wanted and filled it in with the bucket tool.       

Then I insert text on top of this box to highlight it.  To do this I went to the text tool, selected the colour I wanted and typed it out.  

Then I inserted a line down the middle of the page to make the split of the double page spread.  To do this I went to the line tool, went into the middle of the page and drew a straight line down to the bottom.  To keep the line straight I held down shift as I drew the line.  

Next I inserted a black box, this box will be were I will insert the text for the page.  To do this I went to the rectangle tool and drew the size I wanted, then I filled in the colour with the bucket tool.  

Next I inserted an image onto the page.  This image was An image which I took myself at there concert.  To get the image I went to file-open-selected the image then clicked done.  

Next I inserted two images onto the page.  This image was An image which I took myself at there concert.  To get the image I went to file-open-selected the image then clicked done.  

Next I inserted the final image onto the page.  This image was An image which I took myself at there concert.  To get the image I went to file-open-selected the image then clicked done.  

Then I Inserted a personalised font onto the page.  To do this I went onto file-open and selected the Photoshop file and then used the select tool and highlight the image I wanted and copied and pasted it into the double page spread file.  

Next I typed out the font for the article.  To do this I went onto the text tool, lined it up and typed it up.  

Finally I typed out a quote which a band member said.  To do this I went onto the text tool, lined it up and typed it up.  

Friday 7 December 2012

Contents Page Progression

To start my contents page I have opened the correct file, this is international page located when a user opens a new file.  After this I have I made a contents bar at the top of the page.  To to this I selected the rectangle tool and drew this box.  I have made it black to contrast well with the background.  

Next I inserted contents into the contents bar.  The information in this bar explain what page the view is on.  I have kept the same text for the "UPBEAT" text to make the magazine consistent.  The rest of the text is in the text style "Segoe UI", I have chosen this because it is noticeable and easily readable.  I have put the website address on this so the viewers can view more about the magazine.   

Next I have inserted the pictures I haven taken, I did this by going onto file, open then selected the images I wanted.  I have placed them on the right hand side because from my research it shows that the images are usually on the right and the text is on the left.  I have made the top image bigger because it is the main article of the magazine.  

Next I have put in the title box's.  To do this I have used the rectangle tool to do this.  I have made the box's black to contrast well with the white background.  

Then I put the text of the sections into the title box's.  I have used the font style "Segoe UI" because it stands out and is easily readable.  I have made the colour white to stand out on the black background.

Then I added box's to put the numbers in.  I have done to make the numbers stand out and so that viewers will notice them easily and therefore know the page numbers of other features.  To do this I drew my box's and ajusted to size to fit the numbers size.   

Next I added the numbers into these box's so that the audience will know were to find other features within the magazine.  I used "Segoe UI" as the font because it stands out on the black background.    

Next I added the text features onto the context page.  I have made the titles bigger than the other text to make it stand out more as a title.  Under the title I have inserted more text explaining more about it.  I used "Segoe UI" as the text file as it stands out. 

Finally I added the text onto the images of the main features.  This is so that viewers will know what page number the main articles are on.  I used "Segoe UI" as the font style as it stands out and is clear. 


Sunday 25 November 2012

Front Cover progression

I have started my music magazine front cover by opening the correct file size to suit a front cover.  To do this I went onto file-new-selected international page and then clicked done.  Then to insert the image I went onto file-open-then selected the images from my files and pasted it in.

Next I created my own Masthead background colour.  To do this I selected the rectangle tool and drew in the box, then I went to the colour section and selected black.  

Then I inserted a font onto the background colour.  This is the name of my magazine (UPBEAT), the font I have chosen for this is "Poplar std", I have chosen this font as it looks professional for a magazine convention , I have made the colour white because it contrasts well with the black rectangle background .  

Next I added a slogan at the top of the magazine cover.  The slogan (Exclusive Interviews), will intrigue audiences as audiences will want to read interviews.  The text style I have used is "Segoe UI", as looks best as a slogan font as it stands out and reads easily.  I have made the colour black as it contrasts well with the white background.  

Next I added the rest of the black rectangles to make as title backgrounds on the front cover.  For each one I have made them different size's to suit with the head on them.  I have made them black to contrast well with the white background.  

Next I have put in the titles of my magazines, these titles are used to intrigue audiences to buy the magazine by using intriguing language, I have done this with the titles I have done.  There text style is "Segoe UI", as it is easily readable and stand out.  There colour is white because it reads well off the black background.  

Then I put in text under the titles to, again, intrigue viewers to buy the magazines.  The text under explains more about the titles above.  There text style is "Segoe UI", as it is easily readable and stands out.  There colour is black because it contrasts well with the white background.   

Next I added the main article section of the front cover.  In my research it has shown that the main article is below the masthead as it is most important.  With this section I have put an intriguing slogan to draw in viewers.  I have also created my own text for the name of the band as it is an important feature on the front cover.  I have also put a quote from the band on the front cover to make it more personalised from the band.  I have made sure that the text contrasts well with the background of the text.  

Next I have added the issue number and the price of the magazine.  This is a must have convention for magazine covers, other wise the viewers wont know what the price and issue number is for the magazine.  I have made the size smaller than the others because there are more important features on a magazine front cover (as shown in my research).  I have made there text colour black because it contrasts well with the background.  

Next I have added a pug onto the cover as to make the magazine look more presentable and eye-appealing. This pug also makes the viewers more persuaded to buy the magazine because it mentions free downloads. I have made the circle black and the text white to suit the house style of the rest of the cover. 

Next I have a bar-code on my magazine cover.  This is a must have magazine convention, therefore I have to put in on the magazine cover.  I have put it in the bottom corner so it doesn't distract viewers from the main text.  

I have put my feature on my cover.  My final feature is the website address.  I have put this on the front cover so the viewers can view more information.  I have made this smaller then other texts because it is not an feature within the magazine.  I have made the colour black because it contrasts well with the white background.    


Wednesday 21 November 2012

Double Page Spread Mock Up

This Double Page Spread will contain a lot of image's but enough text for the viewer to grasp information about the band.  I have done this because when I was looking at new band articles a common house style feature is a lot of images and a bit of text, this is because the more images there are then the band will be more recognised as there are more images of them.  There is enough text explaining about the band, so the viewer will be informed about the band.  The images I will chose will be concert pictures as it shows the band at their best and the viewers will be more entertained by it.  The Band Title will have its own created title by me as the makes the band more specialised.  I have chosen to put a quote from the band on the double page spread because the viewer more interactive with the band and the magazine.  The text of the article will white and the background will be black as they don't contrast.      

Contents Page Mock up

This Contents page will have more information about the magazine than the front cover.  At the top it will have an information bar which will have the name of the page, the date of the magazine and the website address, this information will give the viewers more insight into the magazine and they can visit the the website for more information.  The features section will have 5-6 features within the magazine, the title of the feature will be highlighted and it will have subtext explaining more about it.  It will also have the magazine number next to it so the viewers know what page number the features are on, this is also the reviews section, the images and the viewers section.  The reviews section will have 2-3 features which will follow the same style as the features section, this is also with the viewers section.  The big image will be the main article of the magazine and the other image will be a smaller image to make the contents page look better.  The house style will be the same as the front cover (Black box, white text and black text), I have done this to make the magazine look consistent and therefore professional.  The background will again be white to make the magazine more consistent.      

Front Cover Mock up

As shown on the image I have kept a basic house style and arrangement of features on the magazine cover.  I have done this because within my research I shows basic magazine covers which are neat but show the important features within the magazine.  As shown I will have one main image which will cover the magazine, this image will be a shot of the main singer in the band, I have chosen to use this image type because it makes  space for the taglines and looks neat/professional.  The Taglines I will use will be to persuade the viewers with interesting features.  The Pug used will be an advertisement that will draw in the viewers. I am going to keep the background white with black box's with white text and plain black text, this house style is shown within my research and I think it will be suitable on my magazine.    

Sunday 18 November 2012

Contents Page Anaylsis

The first contents page is from Kerrang Magazine and the second is from Q magazine.  The kerrang one looks more clutted than the Q one because it has more subheadings, images and more information.  The Kerrang page also includes a message from the magazine editor, which may have been done to make a personal connection to the reader and as a way for the editor to thank people who have bought the magazine before (and therefore encouraging new readers to keep buying it). Next to this personal note from the editor there is an image of a previous issue of Kerrang, which may have been used to show new readers what they're missing.

The Q magazine contents is more basic compared to the Kerrang magazines.  unlike the Kerrang magazine,  Q has an every month section, this is mainly an interaction side of the magazine for its viewers, as it has subscriptions, mail and a crossword for them.    

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Change- Genre of magazine

I have decided to change the genre of my magazine from pop to rock, I have done this because the pictures I have taken suit more with this genre and therefore will be more relevant towards the rock genre

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Friday 2 March 2012

The moodboard which i created gives a rock n roll mood becuase of the colour scheme and the majory rock bands.  I have done this becuase the genre of my music magazine is based around rock n roll.  I have a dark background around the pictures which is contrasting with the black colour.  The colour of the text is maily red, black and white, i have intended this becuase it is basic colours which link into rock text.  The skull images has been used in a few images, this links into the rock n roll mood becuase rock n roll normally has a deathly/danger mood to it.  I have used rock intruments becuase it links in with the rock n roll feeling. 

Luke Hignett

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Photoshoot plan

This weekend I am going to produce my photoshoot.  It will include the appropriate mise-en-scene, costume and props for the specific genre.

The person I am going to photograph is a female family relation.  She is suited to the indie genre which is the genre of the magazine.  She can play the guitar and looks like a convincing artist.

The mise-en-scene is going to be in a field, I chosen this because i will get the natural lighting which I need.  She is going to be dressed in a white flower power dress.  The props is going to be a acoustic guitar, I have done this to suit in with the indie genre.

The amount of photo I will take will most likely be between 10-15, I have chosen this amount because I will be able to select a wide range a different photos to chose from.  I will be editing most of my photos using Photoshop.

Luke Hignett           

Tuesday 21 February 2012

My Genre Choice

I have decided that the genre of my magazine will be pop and indie genre of music.  I have selected this genre because I enjoy the music and will find it easy to talk about it in my double page spread and make a front cover.  Here are some artists and bands that influence my magazine.   

Katy Perry:

Pixie Lott: 

Rita Ora: 

Arctic Monkeys:

Analysis Of Music Magazine Front Cover

These two magazines are Spins and Blender.  There is a big similarity between the images used as they affect the target audience of the magazine.  The main similarity between the images used is the male gaze theory.  Both magazines use attractive women as "eye candy" for male audiences.  However looking at the magazine their main target audience is women.  This is clearly shown by the neat house style, identifable women and the text used.  The colours on the Blender magazine are pink and black, these colour contrast well and are based towards women because they are plain colours.  The Blender magazine also lists topics which will attract female attention, women are presented as wanting to know gossip about celebrities and on the cover it says "Kiss n tell", which is their version of a interview were Katy Perry will say information about her life.  Another topics which Blender has listed is a celebrity quote.  This quote will attract audiences because it is personal topic towards a celebrity.  

The Spin magazine uses some of the same features as Blender but in different ways.  Spin has put a quote on their front cover, but it is more agressive than the Blender one.  This quote expresses Haley Williams views about women, which other women will enjoy reading about.  

The moral panic theory is used on both these magazines.  On Blender it mentions about "porn", which an example of moral panic because it is a adult concept and children might notice it.  On Spin it has two examples of moral panic. The first one is the quote from Hayley Williams, she is saying that these women are wrong and therefore it is classed as a fork devil.  The second example is the "throw down" this is an agressive term and is therefore an example of moral panic.