Tuesday 21 February 2012

Analysis Of Music Magazine Front Cover

These two magazines are Spins and Blender.  There is a big similarity between the images used as they affect the target audience of the magazine.  The main similarity between the images used is the male gaze theory.  Both magazines use attractive women as "eye candy" for male audiences.  However looking at the magazine their main target audience is women.  This is clearly shown by the neat house style, identifable women and the text used.  The colours on the Blender magazine are pink and black, these colour contrast well and are based towards women because they are plain colours.  The Blender magazine also lists topics which will attract female attention, women are presented as wanting to know gossip about celebrities and on the cover it says "Kiss n tell", which is their version of a interview were Katy Perry will say information about her life.  Another topics which Blender has listed is a celebrity quote.  This quote will attract audiences because it is personal topic towards a celebrity.  

The Spin magazine uses some of the same features as Blender but in different ways.  Spin has put a quote on their front cover, but it is more agressive than the Blender one.  This quote expresses Haley Williams views about women, which other women will enjoy reading about.  

The moral panic theory is used on both these magazines.  On Blender it mentions about "porn", which an example of moral panic because it is a adult concept and children might notice it.  On Spin it has two examples of moral panic. The first one is the quote from Hayley Williams, she is saying that these women are wrong and therefore it is classed as a fork devil.  The second example is the "throw down" this is an agressive term and is therefore an example of moral panic.    

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