Friday 7 December 2012

Contents Page Progression

To start my contents page I have opened the correct file, this is international page located when a user opens a new file.  After this I have I made a contents bar at the top of the page.  To to this I selected the rectangle tool and drew this box.  I have made it black to contrast well with the background.  

Next I inserted contents into the contents bar.  The information in this bar explain what page the view is on.  I have kept the same text for the "UPBEAT" text to make the magazine consistent.  The rest of the text is in the text style "Segoe UI", I have chosen this because it is noticeable and easily readable.  I have put the website address on this so the viewers can view more about the magazine.   

Next I have inserted the pictures I haven taken, I did this by going onto file, open then selected the images I wanted.  I have placed them on the right hand side because from my research it shows that the images are usually on the right and the text is on the left.  I have made the top image bigger because it is the main article of the magazine.  

Next I have put in the title box's.  To do this I have used the rectangle tool to do this.  I have made the box's black to contrast well with the white background.  

Then I put the text of the sections into the title box's.  I have used the font style "Segoe UI" because it stands out and is easily readable.  I have made the colour white to stand out on the black background.

Then I added box's to put the numbers in.  I have done to make the numbers stand out and so that viewers will notice them easily and therefore know the page numbers of other features.  To do this I drew my box's and ajusted to size to fit the numbers size.   

Next I added the numbers into these box's so that the audience will know were to find other features within the magazine.  I used "Segoe UI" as the font because it stands out on the black background.    

Next I added the text features onto the context page.  I have made the titles bigger than the other text to make it stand out more as a title.  Under the title I have inserted more text explaining more about it.  I used "Segoe UI" as the text file as it stands out. 

Finally I added the text onto the images of the main features.  This is so that viewers will know what page number the main articles are on.  I used "Segoe UI" as the font style as it stands out and is clear. 


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