Sunday 18 November 2012

Contents Page Anaylsis

The first contents page is from Kerrang Magazine and the second is from Q magazine.  The kerrang one looks more clutted than the Q one because it has more subheadings, images and more information.  The Kerrang page also includes a message from the magazine editor, which may have been done to make a personal connection to the reader and as a way for the editor to thank people who have bought the magazine before (and therefore encouraging new readers to keep buying it). Next to this personal note from the editor there is an image of a previous issue of Kerrang, which may have been used to show new readers what they're missing.

The Q magazine contents is more basic compared to the Kerrang magazines.  unlike the Kerrang magazine,  Q has an every month section, this is mainly an interaction side of the magazine for its viewers, as it has subscriptions, mail and a crossword for them.    

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