Wednesday 22 February 2012

Photoshoot plan

This weekend I am going to produce my photoshoot.  It will include the appropriate mise-en-scene, costume and props for the specific genre.

The person I am going to photograph is a female family relation.  She is suited to the indie genre which is the genre of the magazine.  She can play the guitar and looks like a convincing artist.

The mise-en-scene is going to be in a field, I chosen this because i will get the natural lighting which I need.  She is going to be dressed in a white flower power dress.  The props is going to be a acoustic guitar, I have done this to suit in with the indie genre.

The amount of photo I will take will most likely be between 10-15, I have chosen this amount because I will be able to select a wide range a different photos to chose from.  I will be editing most of my photos using Photoshop.

Luke Hignett           

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