Friday 10 February 2012

Preliminary Task

This is a mock up for my preliminary front cover college magazine task.  As shown on the image I have put the masthead at the top of the page.  This is a typical magazine convention and I wanted the stick with this convention because it looks professional and neat.  The masthead will have a blue box with in text quoting "Deyes High School", the "Deyes" will be red, the "High" will be a stronger blue than the background and the "School" will again be red, I will do this because it makes it look more appealing as it is more colourful.  The size of this font will be 36, as the viewer will need to recognise it and know the name.  The text style will be Time New Roman as it looks professional and is easily readable.  In the top right of the cover I will put the Deyes High School logo, this makes the newsletter more professional because it has its own logo and therefore makes it unique, the image size will be large as the viewer will recognise it and know the school.  Below the masthead I will put the date and issue on the cover, this is a cover convention because the viewer will want to know which issue it is, so that they can discuss it.  Further down I will have a title quoting "@deyesbuilding", this title is the main news of the magazine and there will be a piece of text and an image below explaining about the building.  The title will be size 36 as it is the main topic and needs to be noticed.  The text style will be Times New Roman to make the cover look professional and neat.  The image below will be the image of the @Deyesbuilding, this is to match will the title and the text, the image will be large as it makes the cover look more appealing and so that the viewers will know what the building looks like.  The text next to the image will be a short summary about the title and image, It will explain about it and why the school built it.  The text size will be 16 as it will be easy to read at wont take up space on the cover.  The text style will be Times New Roman as it makes the cover look more professional and neat.  At the bottom of the page I will have an image of Deyes High Students celebrating their results, this makes the school more professionally as they are celebrating their achievements and the school is praising them for it.  The image size will be medium as it wont clash with the main article of the newsletter.  There will be a pug above the image will draw in the viewers, it will have intriguing text which will make the viewer want to read inside.  The text at the bottom will the contact information of the school, this is so that parents or viewers can contact the school if they want more details or information about it.  I will keep the background of the cover white as the colours wont clash with each other and it makes the cover look more professional.

Finished Newsletter Cover   

Here is my finished Preliminary task cover.  I have kept to most of my mock up but have made some changes.  On the changes I have made is the pug.  I didn't use the pug because the image couldn't fit on the cover and go in a neat set out.  Instead of using a pug I made the image bigger and added a piece of text explaining the image.  This text explains in more detail about the image and makes it more clear to the viewers.  I feel this is an improvement because it makes the cover look neater and adds more details to it.   

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