Friday 3 February 2012

College Front Cover Analysis (Preliminary task)

These are two college newsletter front covers: Deyes High School and St Ambrose Barlow.  These two have very different covers.  The Deyes High School cover is or bland and boring due to a black and white house style, and the St Ambrose Barlow cover is bright and colourful.  The Deyes High cover wont attract the reader due to its bland colour and lack of text, it also looks unprofessional because there is no layout to the cover, the images and text don't blend together well in the position which they have been put in, this is a downfall because viewers might think that the school is unprofessional.  The Deyes High cover also looks informal because they have used too many different types of font cover a newsletter.  On each word they have used a different font style which makes it look informal because the fonts used don't blend together.

However there are some downfalls to the St Ambrose Barlow's cover with some positives.  There are features on this front cover which makes the St Ambrose cover better then the Deyes High Cover.  The first feature is the house style of the covers, the St Ambrose cover is colourful which more appealing towards viewers.  The layout of the cover is in columns were the text is laid out professionally and formally.  The images are put in perfectly with comparison with the text which there not too big nor too small and their positioning is in line with the text.  The masthead stands out more on the St Ambrose cover because it stands out of the background.  However the downsides to the St Ambrose cover is the quantity of the text.  In my opinion there is too much text on the front cover that a viewer might not bother reading it, it should be summarised more.  Also I think the effects on the boxes are unprofessional and they shouldn't of put a shadow effect on it.  In spite of this I think that the St Ambrose cover is better then the Deyes High cover because it looks more appealing and has more information about the school latest events.               

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