Wednesday 22 February 2012

Photoshoot plan

This weekend I am going to produce my photoshoot.  It will include the appropriate mise-en-scene, costume and props for the specific genre.

The person I am going to photograph is a female family relation.  She is suited to the indie genre which is the genre of the magazine.  She can play the guitar and looks like a convincing artist.

The mise-en-scene is going to be in a field, I chosen this because i will get the natural lighting which I need.  She is going to be dressed in a white flower power dress.  The props is going to be a acoustic guitar, I have done this to suit in with the indie genre.

The amount of photo I will take will most likely be between 10-15, I have chosen this amount because I will be able to select a wide range a different photos to chose from.  I will be editing most of my photos using Photoshop.

Luke Hignett           

Tuesday 21 February 2012

My Genre Choice

I have decided that the genre of my magazine will be pop and indie genre of music.  I have selected this genre because I enjoy the music and will find it easy to talk about it in my double page spread and make a front cover.  Here are some artists and bands that influence my magazine.   

Katy Perry:

Pixie Lott: 

Rita Ora: 

Arctic Monkeys:

Analysis Of Music Magazine Front Cover

These two magazines are Spins and Blender.  There is a big similarity between the images used as they affect the target audience of the magazine.  The main similarity between the images used is the male gaze theory.  Both magazines use attractive women as "eye candy" for male audiences.  However looking at the magazine their main target audience is women.  This is clearly shown by the neat house style, identifable women and the text used.  The colours on the Blender magazine are pink and black, these colour contrast well and are based towards women because they are plain colours.  The Blender magazine also lists topics which will attract female attention, women are presented as wanting to know gossip about celebrities and on the cover it says "Kiss n tell", which is their version of a interview were Katy Perry will say information about her life.  Another topics which Blender has listed is a celebrity quote.  This quote will attract audiences because it is personal topic towards a celebrity.  

The Spin magazine uses some of the same features as Blender but in different ways.  Spin has put a quote on their front cover, but it is more agressive than the Blender one.  This quote expresses Haley Williams views about women, which other women will enjoy reading about.  

The moral panic theory is used on both these magazines.  On Blender it mentions about "porn", which an example of moral panic because it is a adult concept and children might notice it.  On Spin it has two examples of moral panic. The first one is the quote from Hayley Williams, she is saying that these women are wrong and therefore it is classed as a fork devil.  The second example is the "throw down" this is an agressive term and is therefore an example of moral panic.    

Friday 10 February 2012

Preliminary Task

This is a mock up for my preliminary front cover college magazine task.  As shown on the image I have put the masthead at the top of the page.  This is a typical magazine convention and I wanted the stick with this convention because it looks professional and neat.  The masthead will have a blue box with in text quoting "Deyes High School", the "Deyes" will be red, the "High" will be a stronger blue than the background and the "School" will again be red, I will do this because it makes it look more appealing as it is more colourful.  The size of this font will be 36, as the viewer will need to recognise it and know the name.  The text style will be Time New Roman as it looks professional and is easily readable.  In the top right of the cover I will put the Deyes High School logo, this makes the newsletter more professional because it has its own logo and therefore makes it unique, the image size will be large as the viewer will recognise it and know the school.  Below the masthead I will put the date and issue on the cover, this is a cover convention because the viewer will want to know which issue it is, so that they can discuss it.  Further down I will have a title quoting "@deyesbuilding", this title is the main news of the magazine and there will be a piece of text and an image below explaining about the building.  The title will be size 36 as it is the main topic and needs to be noticed.  The text style will be Times New Roman to make the cover look professional and neat.  The image below will be the image of the @Deyesbuilding, this is to match will the title and the text, the image will be large as it makes the cover look more appealing and so that the viewers will know what the building looks like.  The text next to the image will be a short summary about the title and image, It will explain about it and why the school built it.  The text size will be 16 as it will be easy to read at wont take up space on the cover.  The text style will be Times New Roman as it makes the cover look more professional and neat.  At the bottom of the page I will have an image of Deyes High Students celebrating their results, this makes the school more professionally as they are celebrating their achievements and the school is praising them for it.  The image size will be medium as it wont clash with the main article of the newsletter.  There will be a pug above the image will draw in the viewers, it will have intriguing text which will make the viewer want to read inside.  The text at the bottom will the contact information of the school, this is so that parents or viewers can contact the school if they want more details or information about it.  I will keep the background of the cover white as the colours wont clash with each other and it makes the cover look more professional.

Finished Newsletter Cover   

Here is my finished Preliminary task cover.  I have kept to most of my mock up but have made some changes.  On the changes I have made is the pug.  I didn't use the pug because the image couldn't fit on the cover and go in a neat set out.  Instead of using a pug I made the image bigger and added a piece of text explaining the image.  This text explains in more detail about the image and makes it more clear to the viewers.  I feel this is an improvement because it makes the cover look neater and adds more details to it.   

Friday 3 February 2012

College Front Cover Analysis (Preliminary task)

These are two college newsletter front covers: Deyes High School and St Ambrose Barlow.  These two have very different covers.  The Deyes High School cover is or bland and boring due to a black and white house style, and the St Ambrose Barlow cover is bright and colourful.  The Deyes High cover wont attract the reader due to its bland colour and lack of text, it also looks unprofessional because there is no layout to the cover, the images and text don't blend together well in the position which they have been put in, this is a downfall because viewers might think that the school is unprofessional.  The Deyes High cover also looks informal because they have used too many different types of font cover a newsletter.  On each word they have used a different font style which makes it look informal because the fonts used don't blend together.

However there are some downfalls to the St Ambrose Barlow's cover with some positives.  There are features on this front cover which makes the St Ambrose cover better then the Deyes High Cover.  The first feature is the house style of the covers, the St Ambrose cover is colourful which more appealing towards viewers.  The layout of the cover is in columns were the text is laid out professionally and formally.  The images are put in perfectly with comparison with the text which there not too big nor too small and their positioning is in line with the text.  The masthead stands out more on the St Ambrose cover because it stands out of the background.  However the downsides to the St Ambrose cover is the quantity of the text.  In my opinion there is too much text on the front cover that a viewer might not bother reading it, it should be summarised more.  Also I think the effects on the boxes are unprofessional and they shouldn't of put a shadow effect on it.  In spite of this I think that the St Ambrose cover is better then the Deyes High cover because it looks more appealing and has more information about the school latest events.               

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Moral Panic Theory

What is the Moral Panic Theory?

The Moral panic theory is the theory that a piece of media text/images will cause a panic or shock to the public.  A moral panic is the intensity of feeling expressed in a population about an issue that appears to threaten the social order. 

Also moral panics involves a group of fork devils that needs controlling, which will increase social control.  This occurs when popular groups or other social classes face troubled times by society.   

The media created a list of how moral panic is constructed in five ways-    

-Concern- There must be awareness that the behaviour of the groups or category in question is to have a negative impact on society.

-Hostility- Hostility towards the group in question increases, and they become folk devils. A clear division forms between them and us.

-Consensus – Though concern does not have to be nationwide, there must be widespread acceptance that the group in question poses a very real threat to society. It is important at this stage that the moral entrepreneurs are vocal and the folk devils appear weak and disorganised.
-Dis proportionality – The action taken is disproportionate to the actual threat posed by the accused group.
-Volatility – Moral panics are highly volatile and tend to disappear as quickly as they appeared due to a wane in public interest or news reports changing to another topic.

Example's of Moral Panic

Dungeon and Dragons was a fantasy board game were players get to create their own personal journey.  It was considered a moral panic event because it  has received negative publicity for alleged promotion of such practices as Satanism, witchcraft, suicide, pornography and murder. In the 1980s especially, some religious groups accused the game of encouraging interest in sorcery and the veneration of demons. Throughout the history of role playing games many of these criticisms have been aimed specifically at Dungeons & Dragons, but touch on the genre of fantasy role playing as a whole. It has been suggested that the recent drive to regulate video games is another instance of moral panic over the content of popular culture

An example of moral panic in the media is Amy Winehouse, She is known,celebrity, Alcoholic and Drug abuser.  The media use her as an example for young people, as example of who not to become like.   

Why is moral panic good for music magazine?

Moral panic would be good for music magazines because it will give more articles to publish which means that more people will buy it. 

Also Moral panic is good for music magazines because it can send a positive or negative image of people.