Friday 20 January 2012

Qualitive and Quantitative research

Before creating my music magazine i will need to conduct some research about what type of music Magazine i am going to create (genre,target audience, housestyle).

For my research i will be using two different research methods to help me find of what type of music magazine i am going to create. The two types of research are called Qualitive and Quantitative research.

Qualitative Research Methods involve detailed answers which are gathered through either interviews with a member of the target audience or through lengthy questionaires. These methods aim to gather personal opinions and specific details on the topic.

Quantitative Research Methods involve collecting a large amount of data through methods such as surveys or questionaires. These methods aim to gather facts, figures and numbers, and are often taken second hand.

To do conduct my research i am going to create a questionnaire using both Quantitative and Qualitative research methods.

Luke Hignett

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