Friday 27 January 2012


Ideology is the concept which underpins the construction of any media text.  Most media texts will have an example of ideology.  It is used the communicate with it audience by using media text.  Ideology contructs our views and attitudes towards different events.  It is important for a magzine to use ideology to make the concept of the magazine more inspiring and interesting.   

Two types of ideology

Dominant ideology- Which is to promote through the media, e.g. Sporting events or Royal events.

Hegemony ideology- Which is the way in which those in power maintain their control, e.g. Police or goverment forces.  

Ideology for a school news letter

The ideology for this school news letter would be to show what events and actitivies are in the school.  The images show the events of arts e.g. Music and dance and shows a scientific approach to the school.  It also shows the none male sterotype of a male cooking.  The colours used are to show the house style of the school. 

Mindmap of mockup photo's

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